How to deal with an attack of dogs.

You are walking on the road, in the park or you are cycling on the street when a strange dog suddenly runs to your fangs and wants to attack you.
What to do? Each person will give a different reaction, there will be a right way, there will be a wrong way. You need to protect yourself by staying calm and taking certain steps to deal with the situation.
Con Chó, Đào Tạo, Thể Dục Thể Thao, Sled Dog, Rừng

Part 1. Preventing the attack
1. Do not panic.
Remember that if you provoke a scream or fear of running, the dog will startle you as a threat to the dog, or the dog will sense that your fear makes it more aggressive. . This reaction does not bring positive effects to you.

2. Keep your posture rigid and motionless.
Bandog, Puppy, Đôi Mắt Xanh, Dog, Động Vật, Đáng Yêu
When the dog rushes out suddenly, you can stand still, your posture can speak like a tree and look away. [1] In many cases, the dog loses interest and disappears if you ignore it.
- Do not wave your arms or legs because the dog may also consider it a threat.
- Do not look into the eyes of a dog.
- Avoid standing directly with the dog, should avoid to the side to be able to observe the overview without looking into the dog's eyes. This signals to the dog that you are not a threat.
- Do not open your hands or raise your hand. Hold your hand to keep the dog from biting. The dog can approach you and even sniff you without a bite.

3. Try not to run away.
Running away can awaken a dog's hunting instinct. He can aggressively chase you, though at first it was just fun. Also, you cannot run faster than a dog while jogging. Even many dogs can catch up even if you ride a bike. [2]

4. Entertain the dog with another object.
If the dog continues to threaten, give him something to chew, for example: B. a backpack or a bottle of water: everything except your hands or feet. This can distract the dog long enough for you to escape.

Part 2. Precautions and self-defense
1. Face the dog and order "back".
If the dog is still aggressive and the attitude of ignorance or calmness is ineffective, face him and severely dictate that he withdraw.
- Use a deep, powerful and assertive voice.
- Keep avoiding direct eyes.
- Observe its attitude, it may be depressed or scared to run away.

2. Fight when dogs attack.
Chó Bulldog Pháp, Dog, Chó, Động Vật, BulldogIf the dog begins to bite you, you have to defend yourself. Hit or kick the dog's neck, nose and nape at the stunned and give himself time to escape. [3]
- You should call for help from people around but avoid screaming to stimulate the dog's desire to attack.
- If you have a cane or something in your hand, use it to respond to the dog's attack. Avoid hitting the head because this only makes them angry.
- Protect yourself as if this fight is your whole life, because it's true. Attack dogs can be fatal.

3. Use your body weight.
Use all of your body weight to press on the animal, especially with hard points like knees and elbows to push it firmly. So try to take advantage of the location and beat it quickly. Be sure to keep the face away from animal scratches or bites.
 A more humane and feasible solution is to put a portion of your body weight on your dog's back and use pressure on your dog's back to stay calm until help is available.

4. Protect your face, chest and throat.
During the fight if you fall to the critical parts of your body, your head and neck will be in danger. These are the most important points of the body that you need to protect, because the bite is there. Most harmful and fatal in these areas.
- Protect important parts [4] by lying on your stomach, bending your knees, and covering your face and ears with your hands.
- Try not to scream or roll because these actions can make the dog more aggressive. [5]

5. Leave the area slowly and carefully.
If the dog loses your attention, you must leave the area by withdrawing slowly and without sudden movements. [6] In such a stressful situation, staying calm and standing still can be a real test for your nerves, but it's the best way to react if the dog doesn't really bite.

Dog, Động Vật Có Vú, Họ Chó, Yêu Thích, Động VậtPart 3. Handling consequences
1. Wound care.
If you are bitten by a dog, you need to take care of the wound immediately, as a slight bite can also cause an infection. Follow the first aid procedure when being bitten by a dog:
- Gently press the wound to stop bleeding. Use a clean cloth or sterile gauze pad. If the wound is bleeding or bleeding does not stop after a few minutes of pressure, you should consult your doctor.
- Wash the wound thoroughly. Use warm water and soap to gently clean the wound.
- Wound bandages: Use bandages (for all small cuts) or sterile gauze dressing for large cuts.
- Check for signs of infection such as redness, warmth, pain or pus. See a doctor if any of these symptoms appear.
2. Call the authorities.
It is important to determine if the dog attacking you has rabies or a history of aggression.
If it is a stray dog, call the authorities immediately after being attacked to prevent the dog from harming other people further to check the rabies situation.
For dogs that have owners nearby, depending on how you handle them. In case of injury, you can take legal action. Many states in the United States have laws that keep dog owners responsible for the consequences of their dogs.

3. Consult a physician immediately.
If you are a stray dog ​​and do not know the status of the vaccination, it is imperative to consult a physician immediately to prevent fatal rabies.
If you haven't had a tetanus shot in the past 5 years, you may need additional prophylaxis for tetanus.
In general, serious injuries to dogs should be checked by a physician.

Part 4. Preventing attacks
1. Pay attention to the warning signs.
Dogs are generally not aggressive, but they are only curious or guarded wherever they look in their territory. Pay attention to the warning signs of dog's unfriendly attitude to avoid unnecessary conflicts. [7]
Note common unfriendly signs: [8]
- Bare teeth, growling is a clear sign of no welcome.
- The aggressive dog's eyes will widen and roll his eyes to observe the opponent continuously.
- The ears stand up tense, and normal ears will drooping soft.
- If the dog approaches you, if the dog's body is firm, straight and stiff (head, shoulders and hips aligned), this is the problem.
- If you see the dog walking around, abusing you, then you should be cautious.

Dog, Chó Săn Nhỏ, Vật Nuôi

2. Avoid dog teasing.
Most dog attacks occur due to a dog's lack of restraint, poor training or anger. Common sense tells you not to tease animals.
- Never disturb a dog to eat or take care of its puppies. At these times, dogs have a high level of defense.
- Avoid laughing with dogs. You may think that you have a friendly face and an open smile, but a fierce dog will assume that you are laughing.
- Dogs that have been chained or tied for a long time are more aggressive, so do not get too close to them.

3. Treat all strange dogs as a threat.
As a general rule, the best way to avoid a dog conflict is to keep a distance from them in the first place. If you feel that a dog seems dangerous, move away from it.
- For dogs that have created a dangerous conflict or a wandering stranger, report it to the authorities.
- Teach your children not to approach strange dogs arbitrarily until they are sure they are safe.
- Keeping distance from strange dogs is the best way to prevent risks.

- If you are traveling with small children, especially when meeting a large dog, you may need to hold him in his arms. Ask your child to stay calm, silent and look at you.
- Teach children to remember “never run away when meeting a dog, make a tree or a log” in case the child faces a fierce dog.
- If you're riding a bicycle, get off the vehicle, use a barrier between you and a dog to act as a guard. Do not let yourself slip, because if so you will lose a valuable self-defense tool.
- If you are afraid of a vicious dog, you should bring a pepper spray, air horn, or compressed air to startle the dog and stop the attack.
- Dogs can feel fear, but they also feel your defensive determination, unless the dog is truly aggressive (rabies, has a history of mistreatment or despair, etc.)
- Never turn your back on the dog, always watch the dog but avoid looking directly at it.
- If the dog facing you snarls and howls, move away from its sight.
- If the dog runs towards you, keep calm, do not run away it will make it excited. Perhaps the dog is not angry but just wants to play with you or get acquainted. Dogs also need to be loved!
- Dogs of the wolf family, but try to respond when necessary.
- Handling the bite is not subjective, it is necessary to prevent all possible risks.

I hope that after my article, all of you have a basic knowledge of how to better care and raise your pet. Please share with everyone if you find the information useful.
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