How to handle dog bites

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Animal bites are common everywhere. Mostly children are bitten more often than adults and the most bitten animals are dog bites (85-90%). [1] The danger of dog bites is rabies and skin infection. Rabies is a major concern of animal bites. [2] So knowing how to disinfect and treat dog bites, as well as consulting your doctor, will minimize the risk of complications.
Here are some basic guidelines for handling a dog bite.

For small bites.
1. Check the bite.
Dog bites only scratch the skin, print teeth marks, or produce superficial scratches that you can handle on your own.

2. Clean the wound with soap and water.
Take a few minutes to wash the bite with any soap and water at the correct temperature. [4] This helps clean the wound from bacteria from the mouth of the wound or from the dog's mouth.
This can hurt your wound, but for safety reasons, don't skip this step.

Con Chó Bảo Vệ, Rung Cắn, Hung Dữ
3. Insist if the wound is bleeding.
Use a clean towel or gauze to put pressure on the wound if it bleeds after cleaning. [5] Bleeding stops or slows down enough to cover the wound for a few minutes.
If the wound continues to bleed and you are no longer able to bandage, you should consult a doctor or take to the hospital. [6]

4. Use antibiotic ointment applied to the wound.
Antibiotic ointment can help prevent infection when the wound heals. You can ask your pharmacist, doctor or counselor to choose the appropriate ointment and apply it to the wound according to the instructions on the package. [7]

5. Dress the wound, keep clean and change washing periodically.

After applying the medicine, you can bandage the wound to avoid dirt, but not too tight bandage will affect blood circulation. With torn wounds, use a gauze pad to dry out quickly. Change bandages as needed. You should change the tape if you get dirty.

6. Update immunization status.
You are at risk of tetanus if you are bitten by a dog with a torn skin. [9] Health professionals recommend that you have a tetanus shot after a dog bite if your last injection was 5 years ago. [10]
7. Track the bite.
You need to pay attention to the healing process of dog bites. If the bite is red or shows signs of infection, see a doctor immediately. Some brands of infected wounds: [11] [12]
- Pain gets worse.
- Swelling.
- Red and burning wounds.
- Fever.
- Fester.

8. Determine the rabies vaccination status of dogs.
Rabies is a very dangerous disease and can be caused by just a small bite. People bitten by a dog should immediately check that their dog has been vaccinated against rabies. If you cannot identify it, you should consult your doctor for timely rabies vaccination. [13]

9. You need medical attention for other health complications.
With just a small bite, but you should not be subjective, take care of the wound carefully to avoid leading to other complications. Here are some health complications: [14]
- Diabetes
- Kidney disease
- Cancer
- Medications that weaken the immune system, such as drugs that suppress the immune system.

Treatment of serious bites
1. Check the bite.
A serious bite is a wound with deep tooth marks and can tear tissue. [15] Depending on the dog's bite, the bite may damage the bone, ligament, or joint. If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor instead of being treated at home: [16]
- Deep wounds see fat, muscle and bone.
- Serrated bite teeth.
- The wound is bleeding and cannot stop bleeding after 15 minutes.
- Wound larger than 1-2 cm.
- Head or neck injury.

2. Press the wound tightly.
Before going to the doctor, clean the wound with a clean cloth to stop bleeding if possible. [17] Apply pressure to the wound until you see a doctor.

3. Go to the doctor.
With large wounds, seeing a doctor will help you have the best treatment regimen. The doctor will clean the wound (with an antiseptic like iodine) and perform minor surgeries if necessary to remove dead tissue, injuries and infections that may affect the recovery of other tissues. [18]
The doctor will check the immunization status, to determine if tetanus vaccination is needed. [19]
Report to your dog the rabies vaccination situation, let him or her determine the risk of rabies and give you a vaccination. [20]

4. Take antibiotics as directed. [21]
Based on the bite, your doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory or antibiotic medicine for you. You base on the application and the instructions of the doctor to perform properly.

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5. Keep clean, change bandages on schedule.

After the doctor has treated your wound and bandaged it, your doctor will periodically change the dressing and wash the wound. The time is usually 1 time or 2 times a day. [22]

To avoid dog bites, you need to train your dog properly.
Fulfill your dog's vaccination schedule.
Stay calm while being chased by dogs, avoid irritating them when they have roared to bite you.

If the wound is itchy and the surrounding skin is swollen, see a doctor.
This article only gives you information about handling dog bites, you should not consider this as medical advice. Contact your doctor if you are unsure of your severity.
When you experience unusual symptoms, you should consult your doctor.
If you are unable to determine the status of a dog's vaccination, contact your health care provider for a rabies vaccination for yourself, not subjectively waiting for the appearance of a new illness to cure, which will not cure. [ 23]
Wounds on the arms, legs or head need better medical care because the skin of these organs is very thin and can affect many joints. [24]

I hope that after my article, all of you have a basic knowledge of protecting and taking care of yourself and your pet when a dog biting incident occurs. Please share with everyone if you find the information useful.
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