Signs identify depressed dog

Khuôn Mặt Con Chó, Hovawart, Buồn
Just like humans, dogs are also susceptible to depression. This is usually caused by sudden lifestyle changes, for example: B. losing a partner, moving or acquiring a new family member. Depressed Dogs can change both behavior (lack of energy, come and go, loss of appetite) and body language (drooping tail and drooping ears). In order to remedy your dog's condition, it is important to identify the signs of depression in order to use appropriate methods.

Identify behavioral changes
1. Pay attention to the signs of dog cower.
Usually healthy dogs live very sociable and happy.
Instead of running to the door to greet guests, depressed dogs could sneak in or find a place to curl up and sleep.
You should be more careful if your dog avoids you. Dog dodging is often caused by trauma, illness or depression. [first]
Depressed dogs, on the other hand, can track their owners anywhere, but absolutely do not want to interact with their owners [2].

Võ Sĩ Quyền Anh, Con Chó, Lười Biếng, Động Vật
2. Pay attention when dogs become lazy.
Dogs, for the most part, are normally energetic. You can walk a distance, the dog can run four times as far, then come back and so on. Dogs can tempt you to throw the ball many times and when your hand is stretched, it is still not tired.
Depressed dogs, however, will no longer be eager to listen to your commands. Instead of excitedly walking in the park, your dog lowers his head and slowly follows you. If you stop talking to others, your dog may sit or even lie down.
When a dog is depressed, he will turn from being active and active to lazy and indifferent. [3]

3. Pay attention to the dog's walking activities.
If they wander from one room to another several times but still cannot find a place to lie down, this could be a sign that their mind or body is having an inconvenience. [4]
Con Chó, Beagle, Ngủ, Nghỉ Ngơi, Con Chó Con, Vật Nuôi
4. Observe changes in sleep.
Dogs often sleep a lot, especially when the owner is not at home. However, if they still sleep when you're at home or when noises or strangers appear, it means they are not interested in the world around them. [5]

5. Note changes in your dog's diet.
Depressed dogs may eat less and lose weight. [6] Dogs are like humans, when faced with problems or finding work to eat and relax. If your dog: [7]
- Refuse to eat your favorite foods.
- Increase or lose weight fast.
you also need to pay attention to them.

6. Is a dog's destructive behavior determined by depression?
If your dog is a good boy / girl but suddenly bites on things, or makes loud noises, you don't listen. You may not be bothering them, but take them often for a walk in the open space to better identify the psychological issues they are facing. [8]
7. Be careful when the dog becomes violent.
When a dog becomes fierce, bared its fangs when its owner tries to make contact, it can see their instability. [9]

Observe the dog's body language
1. Pay attention to the eyes of the dog.
Dogs often sadly squint when suffering, stress or depression. [10] Depressed dogs may also hesitate to make eye contact with someone, even their owner. However, there are innate dogs that have sad eyes, so do not depend too much on this recognizing factor.

Con Chó, Mệt Mỏi, Chân Dung, Động Vật, Vật Nuôi

2. Watch for signs of falling or erect ears. [11] 
Depressed dogs are often insensitive to background noise.

Con Chó, Cavalier Vua Charles, Động Vật, Dễ Thương
3. Look for signs of licking your feet.
 Depressed dogs may lick or chew their feet to feel good. [12]

4. Notice how the dog stands.
 Depressed dogs tend to bow when standing or sitting. In the supine position, dogs often prefer to put their chin on the floor or rarely lift their head in response to surrounding activities.

5. Watch dogs build their tails.
 When the dog is depressed, his tail is often caught between his legs [13] and is not excited to wave his tail in advance. If you encourage your dog to wave its tail, the dog will only move its tail aimlessly and without enthusiasm. [14]

6. Pay attention to the dog's general posture.
Depressed dogs tend to be passive, bow, hang their tails and lazily respond to your actions.

7. Pay attention to the signs of hair loss.
Stressed dogs often shed a lot of fur. [15] If your dog is not in the mulning period but has shed too much, be more aware.
Know what to do next.
1. Make sure the dog is not sick.
You should consult a doctor if your dog behaves differently. Signs of depression and illness are often difficult to distinguish due to common symptoms such as loss of appetite and inactivity. [16]

2. Understand the causes of depression.
Healthy dogs do not suffer from depression for no reason. Therefore, you have to wonder if the dog's mental decline is related to a recent event. Dogs are often affected by habits, so the cause of depression is often a change in everyday life. [17]
Changes in common dog depression are:
  • Stress: Anything that prevents your dog from receiving normal attention leads to stress.
  • The employer suddenly has to work far away.
  • Have a new member (baby or puppy) in the house.
  • The sudden departure of a companion (person or dog).
  • Relocation.
  • Repairing and renovating house structure.
Người Phụ Nữ Và Con Chó, Dắt Chó Đi Dạo
3. Spend more time with the dogs.
You should increase walking with dogs and play games that dogs like (throwing sticks, tug of war). You can also try dog ​​sports to increase flexibility, teach your dog to behave or take it to the dog park. Whatever you do, make sure humans and dogs are happy. Spending more time with dogs is the most effective way to help dogs overcome depression.

4. Help the dog integrate.
If your dog recently lost his best friend, you can make new friends. If your dog has to be alone at home for hours, you can ask your dog to groom for several days a week or hire a dog walker. You should also plan to take your dog to the park for a more integrated dog. [18]

5. Reward if the dog behaves properly.
Owners often become restless when dogs behave abnormally, and this is a mistake that many people make.
Encourage your dog to adopt positive and non-negative behaviors to overcome depression.

6. Give your dog a sense of security by maintaining a normal routine. 
Even if your dog is depressed, you should try to get him to work and function normally, which will help them feel secure and comfortable.

7. Get help from an animal behavior expert.
If your dog is still not out of depression, you need to consult with your veterinarian about treatment and behavioral medications to help him get through that faster.
  • To identify the signs of depression, pay attention to your dog's body language and habits. If your dog is always sociable and happy with you, then you don't need to worry. But as the energetic dog suddenly doesn't like to go out and be moody, you need to check their mood, to avoid being depressed for too long. [19]
  • When you're around a dog regularly and your dog is still depressed, it means you're lacking interest in them. Caring is not just about giving them food and drinking, but also about taking care of them to walk and play with them. Dogs are a herd of animals, they are affectionate and sincere, so neglecting to take care of them can also be considered mistreating them.
I hope that after my article, you all have a basic knowledge of discovering and caring for your pet when they show signs of depression. Please share with everyone if you find the information useful.
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