How to treat constipation in dogs

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Constipation is a common intestinal problem in dogs, possibly due to a variety of reasons such as medication, lack of activity and severe fiber deficiency. [1] Constipation is as uncomfortable as a human being. When constipated, dogs often have difficulty defecating, less or even unable to defecate. If your dog has constipation, you can try some home remedies, but he may not be able to use the restroom, which means his condition is severe, you need to take him to the vet. [2]
Treatment of constipation for dogs
1. Identify constipation dogs
A common sign of constipation is stress during bowel movements and may only produce small amounts of dry feces. [3] Although rare, you may also see mucus in your stool when your dog is constipated. [5]
The dog gets pain and burning when trying to push to the toilet. [6]
The symptoms of constipation in dogs are quite similar to urinary tract infections, so if you don't know for yourself, ask your veterinarian for help. [7]
Your dog who has been constipated for days may experience other symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting and lethargy, or blood around the dog's anus. Your dog should be taken to the clinic immediately if any of the above symptoms are noted. [8] [9]
2. Clean the anus for dogs.

You should use gloves [10] to clean the dog's anus, to avoid obstructing the dog's bowel movement. If the dog's anal area is too long, you should trim it neatly.[11]

Use soap, warm water and a clean towel to wipe the dog's anus. Be gentle on your hands, as their anus may be very sensitive and painful from straining to use the toilet. Let them stand or lie in the most comfortable position, so that you can do the cleaning steps smoothly.[12] After cleansing, you can apply Ky-gel to the anus to relieve discomfort caused by constipation. This gel can be purchased outside the pharmacy.[13]

3. Treatments for constipation in dogs.
Sudden constipation has been difficult to treat, in many cases the need to use enema regularly. However, the use of drugs is not the optimal choice, but constipation medication is a highly effective preventive measure.
Once your dog has had constipation, contact your veterinarian for the highest level of support. There your doctor will advise you on possible remedies including prescription medication. If you are not sure what to give your dog, let your vet advise you.

- A stool softener or laxative may be administered. However, because this medication is powerful, ask your doctor to prescribe it right for your dog. [14]
- Mix mineral oil with dog food for 1 week. Do not directly supply mineral oil to your dog to avoid lung damage and pneumonia. [15] You can mix voies at a rate of 0.5 ml of mineral oil for 1 kg of dog weight.

- Add a small amount of canned pumpkin without sugar to dry dog ​​food. Depending on your dog's weight, you can add 1 teaspoon (for dogs weighing less than 12.5 kg), 2 spoons (12.5-25 kg) or 3 spoons (> 25 kg) in it. your diet. [17]
Switch to canned food if your dog usually eats dry food. Preservatives are often moist, so they can easily move through the dog's digestive system. [18] However, only eat canned food for a few days to avoid diarrhea in dogs.
- Give your dog 1/4 to 1/2 cup of milk. Milk often causes diarrhea, but milk sugar may help relieve constipation. [19]
- Sprinkle a small amount of dietary fiber powder on dog food every 12 to 24 hours (1/4 teaspoon for dogs <12.5 kg, 1/2 teaspoon for dogs weighing between dogs ) 12.5-25 kg and 1 teaspoon for dogs> 25 kg). Fiber helps make it easier for food to pass through the intestines. You can buy over-the-counter fiber additives in pharmacies. [20]
- Give your dog plenty of fluids to increase the fiber content of their diet. [21]
- If after 1 week the above methods do not help relieve constipation and the dog seems to be worse, you should take the dog to the veterinary clinic to continue treatment. [22]

Prevent and control constipation
1. Add fiber to your dog's diet.
This method should be applied daily in dog meals to prevent / control and treat constipation. In addition to using fiber supplements in foods, you can feed your dog plenty of fresh vegetables, carrots, peas ... to add fiber. [23]
Make sure your dog drinks lots of water when increasing the amount of fiber because the digestive tract is more excreted. If the dog does not drink enough water, the stool cannot pass through the anus and cause more constipation.
2. Strengthen advocacy.
Physical activity stimulates a dog's intestinal motility, which means that the food can be squeezed slightly and avoid intestinal obstruction. [24] But don't make your dog too active, just walking for 15 minutes a day is enough. [25]
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3. Limit grass feeding.
Dogs rarely eat grass, but once eaten, grass can cause constipation. You should prevent your dog from eating grass in the yard or while walking. [26]

4. Take the dog to the toilet regularly.
If your dog shows signs of wanting to go to the toilet, take him to the toilet. If you interrupt or slow down the bowel movement, it will cause stool to get stuck in your intestines, causing constipation. [27]

5. Brush, and trim regularly.
Long-haired dogs are prone to constipation because their long hairs around the anus are prone to stool. If you can easily cut the dog's fur, put it in warm water for easier cutting. If you have trouble cutting your hair, try to groom your dog. [28]
Dogs can eat their own fur and should be prone to constipation if they groom themselves. If you can't take care of yourself, take them to a pet store to be clean. [29]
6. Castration of dogs.
In older male dogs, the prostate gland may enlarge, obstructing the digestive tract in the gut. If your doctor determines the cause of this factor, you should have them removed for genitalia to prevent further constipation. [30]
If your dog is constantly constipated, you should take your dog to a veterinarian to identify and treat the underlying condition.

- Older dogs are more prone to constipation [31], in part because they are less physically active than small dogs, causing bowel motility to often become delayed and increase the likelihood of constipation. You should consult your doctor about how to help your dog prevent constipation.
- In addition to home remedies, veterinarians may prescribe constipation medication. When constipation is severe, your vet may give intravenous drip to add water to the intestines. [32]
- Dogs with arthritis may have bowel problems. Your veterinarian may recommend pain relief for dogs.
- Bowel tumors can also cause constipation because they cause constipation and reduce the size of the intestine, rectum and anus. This needs the conclusion of the vet.

I hope that after my article, all of you have a basic knowledge of how to better care and raise your pet. Please share with everyone if you find the information useful.
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