How to COOL YOUR DOG in the summer

If the temperature rises in the summer, the dog can be very hot. You need to cool them down to stay healthy, as sunstroke can kill a dog. Warning signs are difficulty breathing, slow movement, dizziness and loss of consciousness. If you notice any signs, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Sufficient water supply.
Get a bowl full of water for the dog.
Con Chó, Uống, Nước, Khát, Bangel, Cuộc Đua
That is obvious, but it is an extremely important step. [1]
If your dog runs out of water in a short time, you should replace a larger bowl or prepare plenty of water.
If you live with others, create a schedule to remind people to test and change their water during the day.

Prepare a place where dogs can play and bathe in water.
Prepare a small water tank or water tank so that the dog can cool in the yard.[2]
Make sure the tank is not too deep, otherwise your pet may drown. Your dog should stand at the bottom of the tank and head above water.
Bơi, Con Chó Con, Mùa Hè, Con Chó, Vui, Động Vật, Nước

Bring water with you when you let your dog out.
If you take your dog for a walk in the hot weather, you must bring water for you and your pet. If your dog is panting or tired, stop in the shade and give it water.
If your dog does not drink, you can pour water into it.

Lower the temperature for the dog.
Put the dog in the house.
You should take your dog to the coolest room in the house when the outside temperature has reached its peak. If the weather is too hot, turn on the air conditioner in the room when your dog is home alone.[3]
Each dog can tolerate different temperatures, but most suffer a heat shock when temperatures rise sharply from over 27 - 29 degrees Celsius.[4]
This step is especially important when the weather is high humidity in the air makes it difficult for dogs to cool down when panting.[5]
You can take your dog to the basement where the temperature is cool and comfortable for pets.[6]

Provide plenty of shade for dogs outside.
Prepare a cool kennel or cover the awning so the dog can rest outside.
If your dog is outside during the day, you can buy an umbrella or make an dome with a thin blanket.

Provide heat sink mats for dogs.
You can choose a cooling pad for dogs. Most of the devices contain heat transfer gel on the dog's body. [7]
Or you can spread wet towels on the floor for them to lie, also help them cool and cool down.

Tiêu đề ảnh Keep a Dog Cool in Hot Weather Step 7
Avoid going out at noon.
The summer is hot, take your dog for a walk early in the morning and in the evening when the temperature is low. If it is particularly hot or humid, stop letting them out. [8]
Take your dog for a walk in a cool, shady place.
Control your dog's activities by wearing a leash. This helps prevent pets from accessing high heat sources.
Do not let the animal's paws touch the hot pavement as it can burn your dog's feet. [9] Keep your dog on the lawn if possible and limit contact with the concrete surface on the sidewalk. Check the safety of the pavement temperature so your dog can walk on it with vacuum or protective shoes.
If you can't touch the sidewalk for at least 15 seconds, don't take your dog for a walk until the temperature drops.

Con Chó Salon, Lông Chó, Thủ Công
Take the dog to have a hair cut.
This step is especially important for long, thick fur. However, you should note that the hair will regrow after cutting.
Remember not to shave your dog's fur. Because exposed skin, heat exposure can cause skin burns.

Do not leave your dog in the car under hot weather.
Con Chó, Vui, Vật Nuôi, Động Vật, Dễ Thương
This is extremely dangerous because the temperature in a car can rise very quickly and take its life. [10]
Always open windows when dogs are in the vehicle and bring drinking water.
It is illegal to keep pets in a vehicle in hot weather in the United States, especially California. [11] [12]
Turn on the air conditioning in your car to keep the temperature below 26 degrees C. If your car doesn't have air conditioning, leave your dog at home when it's hot.
Check your dog regularly.
On peak weather days, you should monitor the dog's condition closely. If there is anything unusual contact your vet.
If your dog shows signs of heat stroke, stay away from the sun, give him water and cool.
If you think your dog is suffering from a heat stroke, you should learn how to overcome a heatstroke in a dog.

Treatments for sunstroke dogs at home.
Signs of heatstroke are: [20]
- Panting, extremely tired.
- The tongue is bright red or broadened
- Slow motion
- There is no response or slow response.

Tiêu đề ảnh Keep a Dog Cool in Hot Weather Step 6Measure your rectal temperature.
The rectum is the hole just below the dog's tail. Apply grease or water-based lubricant to the tip of the thermometer before use. [14]
If the dog's body temperature is 40 degrees Celsius or higher, they need immediate medical help.
While you call the veterinary or veterinary center, you need to take steps to cool down. Do not cool down too suddenly and any hypothermia will stop when the temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. Cooling too quickly can lead to dangerous complications. [15]

Cool the dog's body.
You can use the spout or put the dog in a cool bath but not too cold. [16]
Water should be absorbed under the dog's abdomen, between the legs and under the tail.

Provide fresh food.
You can offer less cold food to your dog.
You can freeze low-sodium beef or chicken broth or an attractive flavored liquid in the ice cube tray to make your dog a frozen treat. [17] In hot weather, your dog may need only a small stone.
Do not overuse ice because it can cause pneumonia or death.

Spread a damp towel on the dog's paws.
You can also spread wet towels over your body to cool them down.
Focus on cooling the skin inside the front and back paws, as well as the back of the dog. These are areas with the most blood vessels. Cool the blood with an ice pack to help cool the dog.

Wipe rubbing alcohol into the dog's paws.
Alcohol evaporates rapidly and reduces heat during evaporation. [18]
This method should not be abused as alcohol can dry out your pet's feet. [19]

Con Chó, Vườn, Terrier, Vui Vẻ, Norfolk Terrier
Install a fan or ventilation device at the dog's resting area and have a bowl of cool water nearby.
Keep the water tank in the shade and clean daily. Change the water at least once a day and change it many times if the water is polluted.
Add ice to the water to help cool the dog.

I hope that after my article, you all have a basic knowledge of caring for your pet dog this hot summer. Please share with everyone if you find the information useful.
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[2] http: //
[3] http: //
[7] http: //
[8] http: //
[9] http: //
[10] http: //
[11] Criminal Code CA 5997.7 PC Leaving a Pet in the Vehicle
[12] http: //
[13] http: //
[14] http: //
[15] http: // P = A & S = 0 & C = 0 & A = 366
[16] http: //
[17] http: //
[18] http: //
[19] http: //
