Things you should know When raising Pug Dogs

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Pug is a famous bulldog with a chubby body and interesting facial expressions. The current variety is chosen by many people, because it is easy to raise and does not require much effort. Here are some tips to keep the pug we want to send you.

Con Chó, Dễ Thương, Động Vật, Chó, Vật Nuôi, Pug

Puppies pug
Unlike an adult pug, when you decide to marry a young pug, you should know the following. Puppies suffer from health problems more often than large Pug, such as being overweight and obese. Therefore, when deciding to bring your little pug home, you should be twice as careful as raising an adult pug.
When buying a pug, choose a puppy 2 months of age or older. This is the age at which puppies become stronger during weaning. Puppies under 2 months old are very difficult to raise, do not buy during this time to avoid risks.

Breeding Pug puppies - Daily menu
Pug puppies are in the process of learning how to eat and wean from their mother, so you should offer delicate foods, such as thin porridge, ground vegetables.
Pug, Con Chó, Dễ Thương, Puppy, Buồn Cười, Khuôn Mặt
- With pug 2-3 months: absolutely do not eat bones or fish, such as seafood, ..
- With a pug dog from 3-6 months old: you can feed more seafood, such as shrimp, crabs, fish ... 2-3 meals / 1 week. Pug can be eaten with extra duck eggs for 2-3 eggs / 1 week. Reverse duck eggs are great for pug development, making their feathers smoother and shiny. Source:

How to bathe pug puppies
Because the pug is small, inactive, has short hair, you do not need to swim too long and too long. Most puppies are afraid of water and if it is too dirty to bathe, do not bathe in a tub and pay attention to the temperature of the water. Clean your face daily with a warm, delicate washcloth, especially under wrinkles.

Breeding an adult dog
Taking care of an adult pug is much easier than raising a pug. During this period, pug became healthier during childhood. However, in order for your Uncle Pag to develop comprehensively and well, you should not ignore the following.

Now that the pug is over 6 months old, you should add the following:
20-25% protein: from meat, offal, ..
10 - 15% fat: usually available in meat (no need to avoid obesity)
10-15% starch: found in rice, potatoes, ..
Left: contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, calcium. There are many types of vegetables, shrimp, crabs, fish, ...

Pug, Con Chó, Vật Nuôi, Dễ Thương, Động Vật, Vui, Nhỏ

Hygiene for adult Pug dogs
When a pug grows up, it often pokes and plays dirty, so you need to swim often (every 2-3 months). Dry hair after showering to avoid colds. Cleaning is also needed.
Pug dogs have very long tongues and lick their faces, don't forget to brush it once a week, at least once. When cleaning an adult pug face, do the same with the pug.

Pug Care - Training
At this point, you should pay attention to the Pug health training. Because they themselves are quite lazy, like to eat and sleep. You should encourage your baby to participate in activities to burn fat and avoid obesity. Take him out for exercise and a knife for at least 15-20 minutes a day.
Pug is not a working dog. You should not allow them to engage in vigorous activities to avoid overexertion, which can lead to shortness of breath.

I hope that after a recent discussion, you all have the basic knowledge of caring for a pug from childhood to adulthood. Please share with everyone if you find the information useful.
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