Brain Training Dog: Things to know when raising Poodle dogs.

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Poodle is a smart, vivacious, lovely dog ​​that few people can resist. But to raise Poodle, you need to understand the characteristics as well as take care of them first. There are many breeds of Poodle but they differ only in size so the care is similar.

Having said that, actually the way to raise Poodle dogs is not too difficult. Let's take some time to learn how to take care of Poodle through the article below.

Diet helps your Poodle grow fast.

It's not natural that your Poodle can grow perfectly. It also depends on the breed and the scientific culture. So, what makes your pet "eat fast and grow up"?

Poodle's favorite food
Poodle is a dog with a sensitive digestive system, it is very important to feed them so that they do not hurt their intestines. Different levels of food, age, and activity needs have different amounts of food and nutrition. Poodle has a habit of liking junk food, it's not bad but we need to use science and not abuse.

Experts share how to raise Poodle dogs.

The experience of raising Poodle dogs is a matter of great concern. So parenting is an art of pets.

With sensitive digestive system, Poodle is very sensitive to additives in food. You need to choose the right food and full of nutrients and food safety.
When changing foods, change slowly, so will not greatly affect their digestive system. You should alternate new and old foods within 4 weeks so they gradually adapt. Do not use hot, cold, or hot, dry, or spicy foods.

Bathing way
Bathing your baby to remove all sweat and grime from the skin and feathers is essential. However, a lot of bath is not good, just take 1-2 times a week and no more than 5 minutes at a time. When bathing, do not let water and soap run into your ears. Do not bathe them in very cold weather and when they are showing signs of illness.

Poodle dog grooming
The fur of the Poodle is smooth and curly so you need to brush it regularly, and have it trimmed at the salon. This will ensure proper grooming and maintenance of more beautiful, curly hair.
You probably did not know Poodle is the line that seldom sheds. However, to keep the coat always healthy, you need to note:
  • Provide adequate nutrients regularly for them.
  • Take them to the spa, regularly massaging the fur to absorb the nutrients better.
  • Use the right shower gel lines for them.
  • Bathe and cover the hair to remove the broken hair from the pet's body
How to raise puppies
  • Divide meals, do not feed more often to ensure the digestive system works best.
  • Food is pureed or dried porridge.
  • Add nutritious milk to your puppy.
  • The drinks are always warm and clean enough so they can drink when they are thirsty.
  • Food and trays must always be hygienic and nutritious.
  • Toys should be bought for them to comfortably chew on.
  • Allow at least 15-30 minutes / day for them to walk and play.
  • The living space should be cool, well-lit and should not be exposed to pneumonia.

How to raise Poodle during pregnancy.

When dogs are expected to be pregnant, special care is needed. In addition to the normal diet, you need to foster according to the pregnancy regime. Add 50-60 grams of lean meat, or 1 cup of fruit and milk.
Pregnancy from the 2nd month of pregnancy will manifest more clearly phenomena such as rapid weight gain, enlarged body, and also changing breasts.

The gestation period is 60-65 days.
  • Regularly take mother dog for examination and pregnancy ultrasound.
  • Prepare a clean, warm nest for them.
  • When the mother dog is born need constant monitoring to prevent difficult birth, or puppies born weak should be assisted by a doctor. The birth distance for each child is 15-20 minutes.
  • The mother dog will be tired and exhausted after giving birth, so give milk or sugar water. After 6-8 hours after birth, eat warm meat porridge.
  • Keep the litter box clean, change pads and pads regularly.
Through this article, we hope to help you better understand how to take care of your Poodle so that you can best care for your dog. You can refer to other articles at Here.
