Beagle Dog Line

Dog's Blog channel and service Brain Training Dog 

About Beagle Dogs
Beagle is a small hound. Beagle is sleek, easy to raise, has short hair and a variety of colors: dark brown, red white, orange white or lemon white. The fur is close to the body. Beagle is like an English fox. The skull is wide and slightly rounded. The muzzle is straight and square. The legs are also round. The black nose is very hearing. Long ears hanging down. Beautiful brown eyes. The tail always has a moving tick. They instinctively howl when participating in the hunt.
 I am a cute Beagle!

History of Beagle dog
More than 2,400 years ago Beagle was mentioned by ancient Greeks in ancient texts and is considered a result of the cross between the Talbot rabbit and the native dog in England.

Features of Beagle
Beagle is a lively dog. Therefore, you must let him play often in large spaces. Take them to a place where they can walk freely and explore, play and explore everything.

Động Vật, Bãi Biển, Beagle, Sinh Sản, Con Chó, Bồng Bột
Because of their hunting instincts, beagle dogs can easily harm small pets like rabbits, cats and hamsters. Therefore, you should not keep these animals at the same time. Or not, you need to get them used to being abandoned by babies so they can raise them.
Lai, Dễ Thương, Loài Chó Beagle Hỗn Hợp, Vui, Lông
Beagle likes to follow what his "sublime" nose discovers. So keep an eye on them or wear a strap when taking them to the big playground. There are many cases of lost beagle dogs because they chase prey.

Beagle hound is very beautiful, close to humans. However, they are also prone to anger and hyperactivity. You shouldn't tease her too much. Just as it does not bother you when the beagle dog eats. Because they can easily get angry at you.

Temperament Golden Dog
Beagle is a friendly, gentle, energetic and also very curious dog, likes to be close and loves people. They are extremely loyal to their owners, docile and very peaceful with children. This is one of the reasons why they are becoming popular pets.

Habits of Living.
Beagle is very confident, wary of the house and needs strict training and patience. Beagle has a hunting instinct so it can bark loudly, possibly disturbing family or neighbors. They tend to like sniffing and exploring if you untie them while walking.

Quan Tâm, Chó, Người, Động Vật, Beagle, Đáng YêuLongevity.
This variety has been bred in large numbers. As a result, their physical condition and temperament are affected by uncontrolled reproduction. Their life span is about 12-15 years, the number of puppies from 2 to 14 dogs. The average is seven.

Beagle Dog Size

Beagle, Con Chó, Vật Nuôi, Dễ Thương, Chó, Doggy, HoundBeagle, Con Chó, Con Chó Con, Vật Nuôi, Dễ Thương

How to raise and train Beagle dog

As a hunting dog, the Beagle dogs are fairly easy to eat. They eat a lot and often are not picky eaters. This is a hyperactive breed. Although Beagle's coat is short, when you play a lot, you need to bathe it regularly to avoid getting dirty.
Beagle dog food and diet

short-coated tan and black dog with green harness standing on green grassRaising beagle dogs is usually not difficult because beagle is very easy to eat and eat a lot. They are not picky eaters, so they can give them a Poodle-like diet.
You can feed them all common types like pork, chicken, rabbit meat, canned pate, homemade pate, dried nuts etc. and to be safe, divide them into 3-4 meals a day so they don't cry out of hunger.
In addition to dividing our meals, it should also be noted that fragrant food must be sealed and kept in a cupboard. Because greyhounds are called "notorious food thieves", because their noses are very sensitive and can easily track where you keep food.

Some common diseases Beagle can have heart attacks, seizures, eye and back problems. Bones, cartilage and erythrocytes can also cause atrophy and deformity of bones, such as the forelegs like a short-legged breed.
Bathing and hygiene for beagle dogs Beagle dog fur is short so you don't need to shower too much. However, if you keep them on the beach or near the forest, they need to be bathed regularly because they like to play dirty, rolling and digging sand. As for Beagle hygiene, you need to keep a close eye on the puppies, and if you find them sniffing to find a place to deal with, you should take them to a place to clean immediately and reward the puppies. when they go to the toilet. This will help the dog associate the location with the restroom action.

Basic training If you want to train them to follow a simple command such as sitting, holding hands, jumping, ... then just a bag of dried seeds and feed them whenever they obey. With Beagle as a pet, you only need to teach them a few basic commands like defecating in the right place, being obedient, and not breaking things.

Con Chó, Beagle, Con Chó ConNote
Special note if you own a beagle dog is to always control or attach the positioning chip and mark it. The curiosity mentioned above easily makes them follow a strange smell, attractive and super climbing ability to help them overcome the door and fence easily.

Some pictures of Golden dogs
Động Vật, Con Chó, Beagle, Vật Nuôi

Bé, Con Chó, Beagle, Ngủ, Ghế, Vật Nuôi, Động Vật

Động Vật, Con Chó, Beagle, Nước, Dễ Thương, Vật Nuôi
Nụ Hôn, Núi, Thiên Nhiên, Yêu, Sân Thượng, Người Phụ Nữ

Con Chó, Nằm Nghiêng, Mệt Mỏi, Baille, Chân Dung
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